How to Have a Super Bowl Party Sprinkled With a Little PINK!

OK, so Super Bowl is in our city and we are SO excited! OBVI…. we’re having a party!!!


When we are in the planning phase of a party, our first stop naturally is Target. Everyone knows that the first section right when you walk into Target where everything is pretty much $5 and under is where you score ALL of the deals, so we stopped by this section first and picked up the essentials.. football shaped cookies with eyes.


Last call for ALCOHOL! This had to be the second most exciting point of the shopping trip. The first being the fact that we got to pick out a bunch of cute pink party items! Of course, you guys know somehow some way we were going to put a pink spin on our Super Bowl Party! Okay enough about that, back to the alcohol! I mean any reason to look for pink rose is fine with us! Since its Super Bowl we decided to look for beer but not just any beer, PINK ROSE Crispin! If you haven’t tried it, then stop reading this, head to the store, and then pick back up where you left off! LOL! But seriously, you’re missing out! Anywho, we also did Korbel Pink Rose because what’s a party without Champagne!!


I mean, you have to admit.. the cart is pretty cute.. obvi because of the pink! So that completes our first stop.. liquor, snacks, pink… pink, and more pink… and now off to our second stop!


We headed over to Party City to get a few more personalized party items! Let’s get into these cute finds!!! The referee chip bowl was too cute to us!!!! For only $4.99 we had to get a few of those!! Our Game Time Grub cracker tray was funny and added additional color to our party! But I’m sorry ladies, I saved the best for last!! This inflatable football stadium serving platter for $19.99 was EVERYTHING!!! Like how cute is it???? We cannot wait to use it, and see how it ties our party together! It’s definitely the focus point, I mean besides the pink of course!


After going back and forth with MR. All Pink Everything.. we finally got them to agree on the pink cups and plates, because… duh. Happy wife, HAPPY life!