
At the beginning of the new year, pretty much everyone has the same goal. Lose weight and/or get healthy. It’s so easy to decide you want lose weight, but unfortunately, most of us don’t have a game plan of how to execute it! I have rounded up a few of my most tried and true tips to help you be successful. And don’t worry, I’m in the same boat as you and will be following this tips too! Keep reading to find out how simple they are!

1.     Find What Works For You

Not what works for everyone else! OK, so you know how every other month there’s a new gym, or a new fitness craze that literally everyone is doing. It’s very easy to latch on to that and try to make it a thing for you too… I’m all for trying new things, but if you try it and you don’t like it… move on! Just because your bestie loves hot yoga doesn’t mean that it’s your thing too! Hop around and try different things until you find what YOU love.   

2.     TELL People (The People That Root For You)

Listen, I know instinctively you may not want to tell anyone you’re trying to lose weight, because, I mean… what if you fail? Or worse, what if you only do it for a few weeks and then stop? Who wants to deal with that backlash, right? The thing is, you need accountability and encouragement. Notice I said encouragement… NOT judgement. Your true friends and loved ones will encourage you in a loving way and it will help you keep going. So no need to keep it a secret… even better, get an accountability partner and do it together!


3.     Don’t try to change 50 things all at once

We’ve all done it… decided we want to lose a little weight, clean out the fridge, sign up for a fitness class every day of the week, cut sugar, cut alcohol, only eat green foods… you get my point! IT’S TOO MUCH!!! It’s impossible to change everything all in 1 week and is almost a guaranteed recipe for disaster! Start with one thing, master that… then move on to the next. So instead of signing yourself up for a 5am class every day of the week, start with just one or two classes a week! Easy Peasy! 


4.     Water, Water, Water

I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!! Water is EVERYTHING! Not only is it great for your skin, staying hydrated helps you really determine if you’re really hungry, or if you’re just thirsty, and truth be told, most of the time it’s just thirst! A tip to get you started; when you wake up…immediately down a glass of water, this helps rev up your metabolism for the day. Another great tip; drink a glass of water before every meal. You wouldn’t believe how many calories you can save yourself in a day if you practice drinking the recommended amount of water you’re supposed drink every day.  

5.     Figure Out What Makes It Easy

I know for some reason it seems to be “frowned upon” to take the easier route, but in this scenario, that’s not the case! Whatever it takes to make things easier for you, listen to me…YOU NEED TO DO EXACTLY THAT!  Meal Prep on Sunday, basic meals, buying pre-cut veggies. These are just a few hacks to make the journey just a little bit easier!

 6.     Give Yourself a Break

Realize that this is not going to be a quick and easy thing where results happen overnight, so there are going to be some setbacks. Instead of beating yourself up, look at each day as its own individual opportunity to make new great choices all over again. Whatever happened yesterday is in the past, so only look forward. And if you make a few bad choices and fall off, just give yourself a break and start again tomorrow!

7.     BONUS TIPS 

A.    Going out eat Study the menu BEFORE you go, and decide what you’re going to eat!

B.    Don’t let yourself get to the STARVING point. This Leads to poor choices!

C.     Cocoon for a while – avoid situations that trigger you. Going out for drinks right now or brunch with your girlfriends can be a major trigger, so try to avoid them for a while.

D.    Try cooking most meals.. have a favorite fast food or comfort meal. Try to find a healthier version of the recipe.

E.     Social Media – find like minded people that are doing the same thing… you can share tips, and this way it doesn’t feel like you’re on this journey alone.

I hope these easy tips help you out, and if you have more to share, comment below!

Love you BYEeeeee!!

Mrs. All Pink Everything