Games to Bust Boredom During Quarantine


Are you bored in the house, and you’re in the house bored by now? I know, me too!!! If you’re anything like me and hubby, you’ve watched all the things… Tiger King, All American, Ozarks. You’ve made every recipe imaginable, you’ve baked every cookie and cake known to man, and probably the least fun… you’ve obsessed over all the latest headlines about The Coronavirus.

At this point, even scrolling through your social media probably doesn't have the same thrill as it once used to! And let me tell you… when it gets to the point where you don’t even want to watch another TikTok… you are OFFICIALLY BORED!

You may be asking yourself … now what? Well have no fear…I have the answer! Good old fashioned GAME NIGHT! I have rounded up several unique games that are sure to get the fun going, get you a little tipsy, and perhaps learn a few things about bae that you didn’t know!


What I love about playing games with your spouse, significant other, family, or even friends virtually is it really does take you back to a time when things were simple. I think it’s a great way to bond and learn more about your loved ones, and let’s not forget… the perfect way to pass time!

What games are you playing to bust time during your quarantine? Remember, whatever game you choose… just be sure to have fun!

BONUS: I’ve listed above some of my favorite versions of the ORIGINAL bored buster game… UNO! If you don’t have this already, or your deck is worn out or perhaps missing a few cards. Now is the perfect time to refresh it!

Love you BYEeeeee!!

Mrs. All Pink Everything