Fashionably Late, Or Too Late?


Alright ladies, we’re still just at the very beginning of the Holiday season with Thanksgiving just days away. So I’m thinking we discuss what seems to be a pet peeve for a lot of ladies (I say ladies, because men don’t seem to care one way or another) so they get a break on this one! Showing up “fashionably late”.

Speaking from personal experience… when I show up late or unprepared, it makes me feel like I’m letting others down and that’s something I totally hate. 

But what exactly is proper etiquette when attending an event?  Over the years through basic trial and error, I’ve come up with some healthy habits that quickly turned into an easy routine. 


I try to show up on time to everything on time.. early even (OK, I’m almost never early, but hey I want you guys to be better than me!!) So moving on… Arriving exactly on the dot is completely fine, but arriving late at this point in our lives is a no-no!!

SEE ALSO: The Party Goer’s Guide to the Holidays

Even though we all know being late is frowned upon, it is still something that many of us continue to do. Whether it’s 20 minutes or 2 hours, it is not fashionable. If you find yourself running behind schedule or facing an obstacle, contacting the host goes a long way!


There are a few small, simple actions that can take you from your reputation as a guest from good to great.

One is never show up empty handed. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or over the top, but a bouquet of flowers or bottle of wine goes a long way. It’s a token of your appreciation, and I know I’ve never turned down a bottle of wine!

Additionally, I make sure I check in with the host throughout the evening. See if they need any help setting up, cleaning up, or managing the crowd. Anything you can do to help the host from being so frazzled will always be welcome.
If you’re the type that has a fear they may actually take you up on your offer because deep down, you actually don’t want to help (kekeke)… don’t worry, If you live in the South, let’s be honest, your help will likely not be accepted!

Keep it Social

People always tell me I have a very bubbly and fun personality. I don’t know, I just think if you take on that attitude, it usually results in you having more fun…. In general! That said, when I go to a party, I try to go in with a very positive outlook.

When you step into the party, try your best to hold sincere and meaningful conversation with the people you meet. Also, try to remove yourself from what I like to call your “comfort zone” (AKA the group of people you are closest to). I know this can be hard to do, and trust me.. I struggle with it too, but force yourself to, otherwise you’ll never make new connections!!


One of the best ways to connect is being able to disconnect.  What do I mean by disconnect??? Well, try silencing your phone!!!!!! Look, I know it causes sheer anxiety even thinking about doing this, but guess what?!?!? This also helps create an environment where you are creating memories and actively engaging with the peoples you are there with! I promise… your facebook timeline will still be there later when you get home! Being able to fully engage yourself into conversations without checking notifications makes a worlds of difference.


Is there something that really annoys you that I forgot to mention? Leave your suggestions in the comments!