Summer Bodies Are Made In The Winter


You might think it’s a WAY too early to be talking about Summer bodies in the middle of November. But let me tell you, progress doesn’t happen overnight, and with all the amazing treats and sweets that are thrown in our face every holiday season, we have to get a jump start on our personal goals, and shedding those extra pounds!!!

So it’s November, the weather is cold, it gets dark at like 3pm, and our schedules are filled with office parties, and family gatherings! But there are a few lifestyle adjustments you can start to make this holiday season that will reduce the holiday weight, and leave you feeling like you’ve gotten a jump start! This way you don’t get wrapped up with the New Year’s Resolution people that crowd the gym for the first 6 weeks of the year!


Commit to a Workout Routine


Listen, you don’t have to get crazy and sign up for a fancy gym membership, or wake up at 4am to start training for a marathon. (But If that sounds appealing to you, go for it!)

For the rest of us, let’s just take it one step at a time and come up a reasonable schedule to stick with. Think of something you consider fun, and just be consistent and get active!


Some suggestions include:


It’s all about the baby steps, and I find that the smaller the commitment the easier it is to build it into your normal routine.

Eat Smart


I’m sure you’ve heard that 80% of weight loss begins in the kitchen, and from personal experience I can tell you this is the truth!!!


There are plenty of modifications you can make to your diet that will make an incredible difference in your metabolism and retained body weight. First thing (which in my option is the easiest, drink water, and I mean a LOT OF WATER! Invest in a fun waterbottle that makes you excited to drink water!!! Mine is pink, obviously! After a while, you’ll notice your skin clearing up significantly, and after a few days of peeing your body weight your body will adjust and I PROMISE, you will JUST FEEL BETTER!!!


Second thing is the FOOD!! Basically, just stop eating out, and get in the kitchen and experiment with some simple recipes! Food Network compiled an easy, at home recipe guide to healthy, lean meals that you can make fast and on a budget.


Bring your own prepared meals to work (Sorry Brenda, I can’t go get Pizza with you today at lunch, GEEZ!!!), avoid fast food, and snack in smaller portions throughout the day rather than eating 3 large meals.

Set a Reasonable Goal

As I said earlier, its important to understand your body and it’s limitations. With weight loss, giving yourself time limits and attainable increments to work with is key, so set small goals you can achieve, and then move on to bigger ones.  

We live in the age of smart phones and app stores, so downloading an app to help keep you on track and act as a personal endurance trainer is very helpful. The best part? These apps are typically free. (Couch to 5K is a great one to try.)

Love Yourself

Your health is priority, and no matter what size or shape your body is, you are BEAUTIFUL. Love your curves and all your imperfections. Stop comparing yourself to others, and start working on you because you want to. 

So listen, I am going to be doing the same things too, because I have a lot of personal goals I want to accomplish before summer! So send me your favorite recipes and work out plans, and let’s encourage eachother!