Outdoor Tableware: The Best Sales of the Week


OK, so it’s the beginning of the summer, and if you’re a person who likes to entertain even just a little bit, then this is likely your JAM!! Entertaining during the summer has such a laid-back feel, especially if it’s Al Fresco. Keep reading if you want the quick & dirty list of what you need to pull off the best outdoor dinner/get together!

OK, let me start with saying anything acrylic, melamine, and plastic will become your best friend! While it might be tempting to use your “pretty” glasses, keep in mind… it takes one bump of a table for your favorite champagne flute to get shattered. That said, I think it is best to have a durable set for any outside dining.


Same goes for plates. If you’ve decided you want to go with a nicer look, and you don’t want to use paper plates, melamine is going to be your best bet, and it’s much safer especially if you’re in close vicinity to a pool.


Another important detail that is easily forgotten is your napkins. Most people would think the obvious choice is paper napkins or paper towels. Remember, you’re outside and you definitely don’t want to spend all day chasing down paper napkins that keep flying off the table due to windy weather. So if you have cloth napkins … oddly enough, now is the time to use them! They are heavy enough in weight and the wind won’t be able to blow them off the table!

Ok, so now that we’ve established that you should definitely be using almost any material other than glass for your dishes and plates, let’s move onto the actual hosting/social aspect. When I’m entertaining outside, one of my pet peeves is having to make multiple trips back inside to bring more items outside, or to add toppings, or remake drinks. Basically, I want to make it as easy as I possibly can on myself. A few tricks I use to execute this is making a pre-mixed cocktail in a large acrylic pitcher. Which means guests can easily refill their own drinks without having to make a new one every time. I also like to display the foods on a tray which serves as a dual purpose of helping bring all the items outside during set up.

After you’ve set up your table with all of your “non-breakables”, it’s now time to sit down and enjoy light and witty conversation with your guests and enjoy all of the yummy food you’ve prepared. The last thing you want is to spend the majority of your time swatting flies away, so they don’t land on your food. Fun Fact: Did you know every time a fly lands, it either throws up or poops? Well, this is what I’ve been told. I didn’t fact check. Mainly because I feel like regardless, we should be trying our very best not to serve our guests food that a fly has set up shop on!! To save yourself from this drama, this cute food tent will do the trick!


Just because you are outdoors does not mean you have to sacrifice on style. If I had a penny for every time someone asked me if these flutes or rocks glasses were real… well, you know the rest! And don’t be afraid to really take it up a notch with a beautiful napkin ring. The one shown above was from Z Gallerie for just $7.95 a piece and can be used for any occasion! If you already have these items, and maybe you haven’t been using them, I hope this will give you motivation to pull off the BEST outdoor gathering! If you don’t have them... have no fear… I have included information on where you can purchase everything. Annnnnd even better, most of these items are currently on sale up to 30% off at Crate & Barrel, Z Gallerie, TJ MAXX, and Anthropologie! And when I say sale, I mean SALE! We’re talking plates for under $6 and champagne flutes for under $3!

Bonus: Need help finding an item, just email me at info@mrs.allpinkeverything.com